Bryan Davis, probably best known for his young adult fantasy novels, once again proves himself a master storyteller in I Know Why the Angels Dance. It is a tale of sorrow and joy, of death and eternal life, at once applying a healing balm and encouraging catharsis.
I’ve read his books in the past and am a fan of his work, but nothing quite prepared me for this newest story. Readers will be most familiar with Dragons in our Midst, Oracles of Fire, and Echoes from the Edge. And they may purchase this book, expecting a similar story.
It’s not. As with all his books, IKWTAD is filled with spiritual insights, but this book is outside his usual genre. And this is by no means a negative. Instead, it is delightful to see something new from Mr. Davis, a break from the fantasy he so frequently writes. None of his passion is lost; in fact, this may well be the most powerful story he has written.
Two fathers, one in the light and one in the darkness. Two girls, the best of friends. What happens when tragedy strikes, when the joys of youth are cut short, and the laughter of childhood is replaced by the silence of the grave? What balm could possibly bring the fathers comfort? Readers will laugh and weep with the characters in this breathtaking novel that will thaw even the coldest of hearts, as they discover why the angels dance.
I Know Why the Angels Dance (AMG Publishers/Living Ink Books) is scheduled for release in September 2009.
Edit to add: Bryan Davis has reported that the book is scheduled to be in the warehouse on 9 October, and we can expect to see it in stores a couple weeks after that.
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